Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
All your questions answered in one place.
We’ll provide the credentials to access our systems, but your media company will need to integrate this into their code to display the finance calculations.
We’re in the process of building a functionality so you can do this via your Showroom. Until it’s available, either email or call 0800 021 0888 and provide the person's full name, email address and location you require them to be added to or removed from.
Click on the forgotten password button on the Showroom login page and enter your email address. If you still cannot access Showroom, please contact the support team
This is dependent on the media company and lenders you have used and also your requirements. If you are looking at having a Codeweavers plugin calculator that is already built, it is usually about 2 working days
A customer reserves a vehicle via the dealerships website, which sends a lead to Showroom.
Ring our support team on 0800 021 0888. They’ll provide you with your local Codeweavers Account Manager’s details.
Pop into our office in Dunston Business Village (we’re located towards the back), head upstairs and through the door to your right and one of us will be around to greet you! To find us use postcode ST18 9AB or call 0800 021 0888
We have a PSL in place with some local agencies but if you’d like to get in touch and speak to us please send an email to When we review this we’ll get in touch!