Chloe Evans



Women in Tech


It's no secret that women are underrepresented in the tech industry despite it being an incredibly fulfilling and interesting career choice for men and women alike. It begs the question, why is this the case, and what can we do to ensure the future sees an uptake of fantastic women with the drive and confidence to make their mark on tech?

Our latest feature embodies life as a woman in tech, told through the people who know it best, in the hope that more women will enter the industry and not only flourish but make their own fantastic contributions in the ever-changing world of tech.


Journey into the world of technology

Many journeys into tech aren't a natural or linear route, with countless women choosing to harness the skills they've gained from other industries and apply them to tech with great success, and others following more traditional paths via education and work experience.

My career path has not been a straight one. I studied law at university, as I enjoy synthesizing information and making sense of complex topics. I interned in a communications role at a think tank and later at an NGO. After graduating, I worked in content acquisition and licensing before this role.

Georgiana Fitzjohn, Technical Writer, Codeweavers

We spoke to Kirsty Gasston, our Frontend Developer, who told us she initially trained in marketing. "I found the side that really interested me was digital marketing, so I started getting involved with coding email campaigns". Kirsty added that she spent a lot of her free time researching the areas that she found interesting to help build up her understanding further. In contrast, Lucy Foster, our Senior Product Designer, started her route into tech as a teenager, following a structured education path from GCSE ICT to her university web design course, noting that women accounted for less than half of her class. "I think maybe girls still aren't encouraged to follow tech if that's what they're interested in. Even in high school, the computer club was "for the boy's", and I can absolutely see why it's off-putting for girls."

Listen to Kirsty and Lucy's journeys into tech and thoughts on what is stopping more women from getting into the industry.

I started off doing a computer science degree and then moved into a technical role. I found value in interacting with clients, so I transitioned into a more customer-facing role in account management.

Jessica Allman, Episode Two


Want to make your mark?

Our Women in Tech series covers many significant areas of life as a woman in tech, straight from the women who experience it. Discussing thoughts and ideas on what is stopping more women from joining the industry, how women can support each other in the industry, women in leadership, and pursuing your career. You will also find lots of helpful advice to get you on the rungs of the tech ladder.

Watch our latest series on our YouTube channel, or head over to our LinkedIn page.

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You work five days a week for most of your life – do something that you enjoy and love! Find what you’re interested in and get more and more involved.

Katharine Wollert, Episode Three




Chloe Evans

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