
Digital trends to look out for in 2019

We can’t predict the future but Codeweavers’ marketing team have been looking at digital trends for 2019. We’ve been looking at things already such as ‘snack ads’, that will be even bigger this year.

Here are a few things we think are worth taking note of this year; we’ve already decided live video is a must for us this year to show demos of our products!


Yes, I know everyone loves to talk about SEO and the do’s and dont's but we just want to keep it simple. Google has made so many changes to the way it determines how your website should be ranked but really it’s still all about content.

You may or may have not heard about ‘content clusters’. Clusters help Google establish a site’s ranking based on a range of topics. To create a cluster, you need to choose a topic and then create a cluster of content around that topic. For example, we have a range of ecommerce solutions. To create a cluster we would have a main page centred around this topic and then we would have pages linking to this talking around this topic. The pages would link to one another and hopefully, we would then rank at the top of Google for ecommerce solutions.

Clusters aren’t really a new thing but they are definitely worth thinking about this year, if you haven’t already.


Video, video and more video!

Video has been around for such a long time and it’s not going to go anytime soon. There is so much you can do but we have picked a couple of things we are going to be doing with video this next year.

Snack ads

Snack ads are video ads that are less than 10 seconds long. They work really well- the message of the video should grab your customers’ attention within seconds. It also means that you cut away the blurb and really get to the point! We are thinking about using them in 2019 to give sneaky peaks of new Codeweavers system features we are working on, and new pieces of software.

Live Video

Live streaming video is slowly but surely getting more popular. In 2019 we are thinking about using live video to demo our products and also when we have a new product release. We are also thinking about using live video for Q&As so you can ask us questions there and then!

AI and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning based marketing tools are now widely adopted by many brands as it becomes easier than ever to implement and manage campaigns. According to Gartner, 30% of companies worldwide will be using AI in at least one of their sales processes by 2020.

As machines are able to mass-analyse and process data to deliver personalised content, this allows marketers to focus on their strategy. Instead of us talking about why you should adopt AI and Machine Learning for personalisation, this article by IBM sums it up pretty nicely.

Voice Technology

Voice is out there- everyone has heard of Alexa or Siri, for example, but many marketers are only just starting to investigate how they can utilise voice technology in their marketing strategy. Currently, many people who use voice assistants can be pretty unadventurous with them and just use them for standard stuff such as weather updates or for music. Over time people will become much more experimental as they get more comfortable using voice, so marketers will need to consider and investigate voice technology before they get left behind.

As a tech company who is always investigating and utilising new technologies, voice technology has had a key role in some of the new features Codeweavers have been looking at for our systems.

That's enough from us, there are so many more marketing trends to look out for in 2019. Let us know what you think is going to be big in 2019!

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